Thursday, January 15, 2015

Investing in Iraqi Dinar a Good Idea For Retirement in 2015

Using Dinars to Grow Your Retirement Nest Egg

Using Dinars to Grow Your Retirement Nest Egg
Investing in Iraqi Dinar a Good Idea For Retirement in 2015

Most people don’t make saving for retirement one of their priorities. According to research from the Employee Benefit Research Institute, over a third of consumers have less than $1,000 set aside for retirement.

Part of the problem is that many people don’t make saving a priority, but they also tend to invest in low-return investments. They will face serious financial trouble if any of the major markets enters a downturn. In contrast, smart investors often buy the Iraqi Dinar and other solid, potentially high-yielding investments.

A Common retirement planning pitfalls:

It’s critically important to save for retirement. With existing savings so low, most people should allocate more money toward potentially high-yielding investments such as the Iraqi Dinar. Here are some common retirement-planning mistakes.

Overestimating future Social Security income:

Many people believe that saving for retirement is unnecessary because Social Security will cover their expenses after retirement. Unfortunately, the federal government is considering drastic cuts to the Social Security program and will need to completely overhaul it in the near future.

Millennials should set aside even more money for retirement, because they are expected to receive far less than earlier generations. One way to quickly regain lost savings may be to invest in the Dinar and other potentially profitable investments to make up for reduced Social Security income.

Overexposure to stocks

Equities are traditionally one of the most popular investments. However, they are also very risky, especially in the current economy. The stock market has undergone a dozen major crashes since 1987. Stock investors may not recover their investments for several years.

The risk of another major stock market crash seems imminent. Mark Hulbert, a financial columnist for MarketWatch, recently reported that major investors are preparing for a crash in the near future. Investors should be careful not to invest too much of their money in stocks, in order to minimize potential stock losses.

This article Using Dinars to Grow Your Retirement Nest Egg was originally published at DinarInsider

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